Friday, November 30, 2012

November 2012

Thank goodness we slept lots in October - 
because November was celebration time here in Newcastle!

There were baptisms, birthdays, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles 
and lots and lots of fun  

Oliver and Freya have a favourite game, it lasts for about 10 minutes and is quite hilarious to watch.  The game commences when Oliver starts to empty the two toy baskets, Freya now knows that this means she is about to become the "back" of the train, she puddles over and climbs into her designated basket and the Train Driver climbs into the front and away the train goes!  Oliver sings the selection of train songs learnt at library sessions until "the back" decides she has had enough and tumbles out of the carriage and goes away.  The first photograph is the train driver instructing the 'train back' in her role!  

Freya's baptism brought family and friends together, which is always so lovely for Oliver and Freya as aunts, uncles and cousins are an almost abstract concept. 

 We all had a lovely time together at Blackbutt Reserve with lots of climbing and running and cuddling (and licking!) Koalas.

This is just so Oliver!

 Park visits are becoming more and more fun for both Oliver and Freya.  Oliver is more confident of climbing and jumping and Freya, well she seems to have forgotten to be scared of anything!

Granny and Grandpapa came to stay, they experienced the excitement of Bin Truck Monday (Grandpapa slept through the noise, the jumping, the driving of trucks over him!)

Oliver has loved Spot books since forever and when travelling or sick will happily watch a few of the matching videos and read the book alongside.....
he was ever so excited that Grandpapa was coming as obviously he would take him to the park!

The viewing of the film before the park visit and the actual park visit!  
One happy boy and one happy Grandpapa!

Freya thought having granny and grandpapa in the house was fabulous, two extra people to exclaim over every little thing she did - 
and of course cuddles galore!

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