2010, Oliver's first Easter....
Okay... the Lindt bunny was really bought for Mama and Daddy.
2011 and Oliver's second Easter
and he got the hang of Easter buns
and family celebrations as we headed to Perth.
2012: Oliver's third Easter and Freya's first Easter.
Well, this year we got our act together - and did some Easter preparation.
There was felting the eggs for the Easter tree, after Palm Sunday mass.
There was ice-cream at the beach on Holy Thursday -
Nothing to do with the celebration of Easter
...more a celebration that Daddy was home for four days!
On Good Friday during the morning walk we found a branch to decorate with the felted eggs. Oliver enjoyed the hanging of his crafting - although there is some evidence he enjoyed playing with the stones at the bottom of the branch even more!
We spent the rest of Good Friday together
Oliver telling Freya all about Easter buns and how next year she will get to eat some....
she thinks maybe this year she could have a little nibble!
Easter Saturday started with a beach walk and coffee for all!
Then there was a little sustanance for all before the Easter Vigil....
Our Easter Vigil candles -
Oliver thought the fire and the candles were pretty exciting
but it was hard work to convince both little poppets that fire and candles were better than sleep
With two sleeping poppets, the Easter bunnies got busy with planning the first ever Easter egg hunt....
Oliver has never tasted chocolate so there is a chance he may not like it. Hmmm better sample a few just in case chocolate consumption is genetic!
Then - the fun began.....
The Easter bags
The trails.....
The goodies......
Oliver filled both his bag and Freya's bag - although... that was before his...
....first taste of chocolate.
....which went very well!
....which went very well!
There may be a little hesitation next year.. to fill both bags equally!
There may be a little hesitation next year.. to fill both bags equally!
Freya.... you'd better learn to walk by then!
Freya.... you'd better learn to walk by then!
Happy Easter, everyone!
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