The house is filled with giggling and laughing each day as Oliver is finding his way into mischief!
Oliver is mobile...not quite crawling on hands and knees but super fast on the whole tummy crawling!
This has necessitated a quick child proofing of the house. Hmmm mum and dad can't open the chocolate cupboard quite so easily!
Also a quick rearranging of Oliver's bedroom which has turned out quite well.
Oliver is completely obsessed with the telephone - obviously arranging his social life which is very busy!

The other delightful development is his ability to quickly work out cause and effect. This toy snail took all of 2 minutes to work out - so an extra long ribbon was attached to prevent collisions with noses at high speed!
Oliver,Not only are you adorable but clever too! Can't wait to see the first "Oliver is walking" video! Trish