Oliver's first road trip was to Canberra - with both grandmothers!
We set off from Newcastle with the first stop to pick up Granny in Sydney and then drive to Canberra to meet Grandma.
Of course in Sydney there was the chance to play with his newest bestest friend Imogen!
"I am just giving him a hug"
We took Oliver to The Portrait Gallery and the Masterpieces from Paris at the National Gallery. There was lots of time spent under the trees in the sculpture garden whilst the grown-ups wandered around.
There was always at least one grandmother available at all times to read and entertain
and of course Oliver was lapping up the undivided attention of four adults!
It was absolutely lovely for Oliver to spend time with his grandmothers - it is so special to see his little face light up with recognition when they appear!
It has been almost three months since his Grandma has seen him and five months since his granny has seen him. So he had many developmental milestones to show them....of course they correctly assessed him as being an angelic genius so they can visit again.
Thank you to both grandmothers for making the effort to spend time with Oliver and helping out to make the trip so wonderful.
Thank you for a lovely three days Gabe and Annemarie and Florinda just ordinary time together. Hugs to the laughing and giggling little man - you are a delight! Love Grandma