Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Making a splash!

In your first 3 days with you, we'd learnt how to feed you, dress you, burp you and a few other things...
But now it was time for dad to learn how to BATH you.
He was a bit nervous, as you were a bit of a wriggly jelly bean, but he carefully put the water in, checked it was warm, then put you in....
You weren't totally sure about baths, but after a few days, you seemed to like it a bit more....

The "Incredibly Cute Unit"

For the next few days, mum and dad learnt how to feed and change you, Ollie. And of course, cuddle you as much as possible. We were hoping to take you home, but the doctors and nurses said that you were SO cute, they wanted you to stay in the 'Incredibly Cute Unit' for a few more days...

Unfortunately, that meant something that wasn't very nice. The nurses had to put a tube in your nose. I bet you remember. When they put it in, you screamed your little heart out. Mum and dad were very very sorry, and kissed you and hugged you... again and again and again.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Playing in the Cubbyhouse

Mum and dad went into the big room with all the doctors and nurses. The doctors put up a big tent (a bit like a cubby house) and hid behind it. Mum and dad waited. It was a bit like a magic show. After a while, the doctor walked around the tent, and gave us a present!

Yes - it's YOU Oliver! The doctor had wrapped you up in a little package, and we gave you your first kiss and cuddle. We're glad you didn't say anything too bad to us about our silly hats. Don't worry Oliver - mum and dad promise not to wear duck-egg blue hairnets ever again! Soon, it was time for mum to see the doctor, so I took you for a little ride in a trolley.

While mum was seeing the doctor, I got to spend about 10 minutes with you Ollie, and that was really lovely.

You opened your eyes, and looked around. I gave you a soft pat on the back, and told you how much I loved you. Soon, it was time to see mum - yay!

We went back to our room, and mum got to put you in bed with her for a BIG cuddle. Here's a photo of you holding mum's hand.
Usually, dad likes to sleep a lot, but this night he seemed to want to stay awake, so he could cuddle and kiss the two loveliest people he knows.
One was a medium-size person. And one was a cute little person. The cutest he'd EVER seen.

It's time to play dressups!

The doctor said "it's time for Oliver to come out", so mum and dad had to put on some special clothes.
We took a photo, then mum got back into bed, and we went to a special waiting room.
Dad was a bit nervous, so the nurses told him to sit down and put his head between his knees. They also gave him a glass of water to drink and said "Don't worry. If you fall over, we'll just step over you".
Soon, dad felt better, and together with mum, they went into a big room... it was time for Oliver to arrive!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What a yummy mummy!

Nine months is a long time for mum to carry something heavy in her tummy, even if it's a lovely baby like you, Oliver.

So, now that it was less than a week till you were due to arrive, we thought we should take some photos of mum to remember how she looked when she had her baby belly!

Don't tell anyone Oliver, but we sneakily looked up lots of nice 'belly' photos on the internet, then took our photos the same way! Sneaky!

There's mum hiding behind the kitchen door....

"Aw mum! Dad! Don't do that!"

I'm sorry Oliver (it's Dad typing) - but mum looked so lovely, and she'd worked so hard carrying you around, that I thought she deserved a kiss.

(And don't worry, I didn't forget you Ollie - I've got my hand on her belly, giving you a pat at the same time.)

Maybe next time you see mum, *you* could give her a kiss. She's a really lovely mum, and deserves many, many kisses and cuddles.

She really likes them too.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Two weeks left to go...

This is our favourite scan of all, Oliver! Why? Because it was taken just 2 weeks before you arrived! Woohoo!

Mind you, somebody little (who starts with 'O') was playing again while the lady was scanning! This meant that most of our photos didn't work. But the one you see above DID... and we got to admire your chubby cheeks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mmm, we could just eat you all up!

If sure someone has told you Oliver, that you look "good enough to eat!" Well, a few weeks before you arrived, it was true!

Mum was about to leave her work, so she had a morning tea with friends. A friend of mum 'n' dad (Giv) makes special cupcakes, and she made us some 'latte baby' cupcakes!

Mmmmmmmm, they were very very yum.

Dad was a bit sorry to eat them though, as they looked so good!

Luckily, he took lots of photos first, so that we would remember your amazing cupcakes.