October and again we were heading to the hospital for more tests and more surgery -
families with chronically ill children are amazing - each time we head to the hospital we find that it hangs over all of us - especially Oliver, who as he gets older knows and remembers more and more.
Walks in the sunshine, riding bikes and gelato by the harbour.
No genetic testing needed here - these two are definitely siblings!!!!
The mornings were still cool so lots of cuddles were in order -
Oliver likes to bring all of his and Freya's teddies into the bed....
not a lot of room for actual people in the bed!
Freya is almost a year old and is a complete delight to have around -
Oliver and she are still best of friends
Freya loves to do anything that Oliver is doing, if he is in the garden, she wants to be in the garden, if he is inside she wants to be inside, if he is sleeping she is sleeping - she follows him around like a shadow and tries to copy anything he does....including his love for bin trucks - AHHHHHGGGGG!!
Freya has started swimming lessons with Daddy - or should it be called screaming lessons....whilst she swims (screams) with Daddy, Oliver and Mama go for a walk to visit the bins in the neighbourhood - as we walk past the swimming centre, Oliver pauses to listen and then announces - "ahh thats Freya Lucia crying" and then carries on walking as though all is right in the world.
Oliver channeling his inner surfie dude and staring out to sea.....what are they watching for - as we walk along the beach in the mornings, there are all these guys with their boards staring out to sea....