July was a busy month,
there was a special birthday, concerts, holidays and winter sunshine.
After the concert it was straight to the airport and Freya's first flight. Thank goodness for grommets flying for Oliver is a dream. Freya also seemed to think flying was pretty cool she slept during take off and landing and charmed the lady next to us for the rest of the time.
Melbourne was lovely Freya met all of her cousins and family.
She thought it was not too bad being adored and cuddled.
Aunt Rose, cousin Victoria and
Great Aunt Audrey
Melbourne also gave us the opportunity for our first visit to the zoo
where we saw really animals and also bins!!
It will be hard to believe but Oliver was more excited about the bins at the zoo than the animals!
We also went to the museum which was pretty wonderful for a rainy day activity. There were lovely animals to cuddle, stilts to walk on and the best rainforest display - we will definitely go back there.
Once back in sunny Newcastle - we headed to the beach and Freya had her first sand experience. There were spades and buckets to chew on.
Oliver loves the beach - he is getting braver about the waves and we walk in the breakwater and he is also quite happy to explore the rockpools.
Daddy on holiday was also fun with lots of special cuddles.
At the end of July we went to a concert celebrating Peter Rabbit. It was in the evening so that Daddy could come - hence the slightly tired looking poppets.
Oliver enjoyed bits and pieces but mostly liked the love lights on the concert hall ceiling.
As Freya is getting older and more mobile, there is definitely more interaction between Oliver and his sister.....here he is letting Freya be the lawnmower with her matching orange hat - which is really her soft bucket. He is mostly gentle and so far we have not had any disasters!
There has also been plenty of sunshine, have we mentioned how fabulous winter in Newcastle is????? One of our favourite things to do is blow bubbles in the back garden.......