Sunday, January 15, 2012

A very social January...

January has been very social.

A few special friends visited – to Oliver's great, delight Darryl came for the day!  He and Oliver spent a great amount of time with O's train table, and then was very excited to drop 'uncle Daz' off at the train station.

Amazingly, 6 weeks later... Oliver still mentions "Darryl is wearing a red shirt with a duck and he's going on the train to Sydney".  HE HAS A ONE TERABYTE HARD DRIVE IN HIS HEAD.

Stancea also visited and met Freya – this is becoming a tradition Stancea arriving in time to meet the newborn!

Mama and Daddy even managed a grown up dinner party of sorts– and Oliver stayed up and played (read hyped up!!!!!) with Justin... and Freya met one of her godmothers!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life is busy...

Once Christmas was over, it was back to teaching Freya all she needs to know about life....

Like scooting..

Finger painting (or maybe face painting!)

Coffee milkshakes & stamping...

Going to the circus...

...sand play and watering Megan's garden.