Friday, November 25, 2011

A lovely new arrival

Oliver did very well when Mama and Daddy decamped to hospital to prepare for Freya.

There may have been some dodgy dealings with granny and grandpapa –
 "yes granny mama lets me do this all the time!"

Meanwhile at the hospital there were two days of steroids and then our favourite Dr Bailey did another fantastic job and after almost two years of holding our breath Freya arrived healthy and perfect and with a strong set of lungs!

Daddy holding our gorgeous girl

Freya having her first little drink in NICU

 Mama meeting and holding Freya for the first time in NICU

First cuddle the next day - Mama escaped from the nurses on the ward!

Daddy cuddles are the best!

NICU become our home on and off for two weeks

Unfortunately Freya was tubed straight after she was born  and strong a sense of deja vu occured for the first two weeks.

Freya came home briefly and then went back to NICU for a few more days

Of course Freya had the traditional first bath in NICU -
 our home away from home.

Here Freya is meeting her big brother O and her granny for the first time.

Freya gave Oliver a very special present for being a wonderful big brother  - Oliver loves Oliver Jeffers' books especially the ones about the boy and his friend the penguin...Granny and Mama made a boy and a penguin to go with the book!

Monday, November 21, 2011

The final countdown...

In the last few days before Freya arrived, we took time to spend with Oliver doing some of his favourite activities and introducing him to some of the finer aspects of being a big brother -

There was some serious coffee drinking to be done....

Oliver's first gelato – please note Oliver choose the watermelon gelato
and consumed none of that instead opted for Daddy's esspresso gelato!

Sand and water play are big at the moment ….

As are painting, Lego... 

 And helping Daddy construct Freya's cot.