He has a few current obsessions...bins especially yellow lidded bins. Bin day here in Moira street is a big event! He loves the colour yellow - that is his "favourite colour" and 'daddy cut the lawn in a yellow hat open and close the garage' Oliver says this sentence at least 1000 times a day. It's often the first thing we hear through the wall - that indicates Oliver is awake in the morning.
Here are a few pictures to catch you up with Oliver's adventures. Movies to follow!
The monthly visit to the toy library scored Oliver the Duplo Zoo! Not sure if Daddy might have been more excited than Oliver about this one. Oliver is just excited to have another 'Man' (Duplo firgure) to play with his four other 'mans'!

Oliver and Aggie playing tunnels in the garden.....
when no-one is looking Aggie has a go too!
Oliver building his tower block - lovely to see he has moved on from knocking it over....
well at least he waits till he has put all ten blocks on!
Oliver is not a big fan of eating pasta - but loves playing with pasta.
Mummy tried rice...complete disaster as the rice went between the cracks in the floorboards.
Pasta it is and it hurts to step on - so Oliver is not keen on putting too much on the floor..
Oliver loves drawing especially with yellow and red....as many of you recieved his original art work at Christmas and will no doubt recieve more creative works through the year. The sunglasses are completely ridiculous - but he insisted on wearing them....artists!
Trucks and trains are big at the moment -
hours of independent play happens on the floor in the kitchen.
The monthly visit to the toy library scored Oliver the Duplo Zoo! Not sure if Daddy might have been more excited than Oliver about this one. Oliver is just excited to have another 'Man' (Duplo firgure) to play with his four other 'mans'!
Oliver and Daddy completely absorbed with the digger.......
Oliver has developed a complete addiction to coffee!
Not sure how that has happened.
He can order a soy latte by himself...
Now all he needs is pocket money!
Here he is playing puzzles and waiting for his coffee
Ahh a perfect soy latte to share with Mama!
For any of you dear friends and family who received a frantic call from us in the first nine months of Oliver's life relating to his lack of eating and listening repeatedly to the fear of him being hospitalised again....you will appreciate the importance of the following series of photos.
We have documented a week of Oliver's eating....to us it is completely amazing that Oliver not only eats - but says he is hungry and seems to enjoy his food.....
Tofu noodles
Avocado and sesame rice balls
Lamb and pumpkin pilaf
Hommus sandwich and fruit
Salmon and broccoli risotto
Paella and homemade bread
So, which one of Oliver's meals would you like to share? Tell us in the comments below... :-)