Saturday, November 6, 2010

Beautiful Ben's baptism

Oliver says...
Well, it's been a few months since my baptism, and its time to go to someone else's! The lucky person is Ben, my cousin who is a baby brother to Ashley and Lachlan.  Hmm, time for another Melbourne trip!

Having a snooze on the plane.

First stop - cousin Vicki and Joshua's house. 
I hadn't met Josh before, so that was really nice.

Vicki is the best cousin.
Reason (1): Slide in home

Reason (2): Shares love of watermelon

After lunch with Vicki & Josh, we headed off to the church for Ben's baptism. (I told him not to be too nervous, even if mummy & daddy suddenly take off all your clothes, while you're in front of the crowd.)

Here's a photo of Ben with Ashley, plus uncle Andrew and Auntie Cath.

And here's Ben & I swapping war stories.
The other big reason to visit Melbourne was to visit yet another cousin!  Yay!  Here you can see my newest friend, Josh who is a little brother to Vicki.  He's very little, so mummy and daddy said "gentle" a lot. 

Josh and auntie Rose
Vicki and auntie Rose
All the little people tried to be 'good' during the mass, even if that involved sitting on lots of different people's laps, and trying different toys.

Here's me with grandma

At the end of the ceremony, we all got together for a big photo. Yes, I'm looking out the window. There must have been a yellow bin outside. Or a bin truck.

Here's mum and dad - I'm looking concerned as uncle Bren is taking the photo -  they warned me about him.

Showing off my new walking ability

OK, that's my report from Melbourne. Ben had a lovely party, and I got to play with all my cousins.

Thanks to Ashely & Lachlan for letting me drive their car!

Note from Gabe: Thanks Bren, for many of the nice photos in this post!