We took Oliver to a physio session last Monday - it was through the Parents as Teachers programme Oliver has been going at the local very funky primary school - they have their own kitchen garden very trendy!

At the physio session Oliver learnt a heap of different exercises to encourage his physical development and they were all easy enough to incorporate into his little play sessions through the day...it was great fun especially since Oliver was actually awake for the entire session!
Today he rolled over!The photographs are pretty fuzzy as it is the actual first roll - okay Mum might have got very excited and dropped the camera and then scared the child with the excited YAY...but that is a whole different story!

Oliver is pretty excited with himself and he is of course
a genius child and very advanced for his age..as you all know already:)
Enjoy the dodgy photography and be amazed by the stunning physical feats Oliver performs for you next time you meet!
Of course when Dad came home from work and Oliver was placed on his tummy to demonstrate new skill - nothing happened....so mum had to demonstrate what Dad missed - not quite the same!